Matemaatikute huumorid :P

There once was a number named pi

Who frequently liked to get high.

All he did every day

Was sit in his room and play

With his imaginary friend named i. There once was a number named e

Who took way too much LSD.

She thought she was great.

But that fact we must debate;

We know she wasn’t greater than 3.

There once was a log named Lynn

Whose life was devoted to sin.

She came from a tree

Whose base was shaped like an e.

She’s the most natural log I’ve seen.

“For positive a, b and c,”

Remarked Fermat, “Raise each to the d.

Then no two of the herd

Will add up to the third

If d is no smaller, than 3.”

The cornerstone of modern science is the scientific method. Scientists first formulate hypotheses, or predictions, about nature. Then they perform experiments to test their hypotheses. There are two forms of scientific method, the inductive and the deductive. INDUCTIVE:

formulate hypothesis

apply for grant

perform experiments or gather data to test hypothesis

alter data to fit hypothesis

publish DEDUCTIVE:

formulate hypothesis

apply for grant

perform experiments or gather data to test hypothesis

revise hypothesis to fit data

backdate revised hypothesis


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